Abstract · Art · Travel

Like a sunflower

Life is strange. No, not the game, but like real life, the one you and I find ourselves in. It’s a see-saw, nay, a roller-coaster, and okay, you could call it a game, except you’re not the one with the controller. I was in India, not even a month ago, more like 23 days ago.… Continue reading Like a sunflower

Abstract · Art · Fandom · Fiction

The Whale and the Flower Pot

“Another thing that got forgotten was the fact that against all probability a sperm whale had suddenly been called into existence several miles above the surface of an alien planet. And since this is not a naturally tenable position for a whale, this poor innocent creature had very little time to come to terms with… Continue reading The Whale and the Flower Pot


Befuddled Musings of One Chandni Prasad

So what is going on in my mind right now? A lot, as usual. A million conflicting thoughts and emotions are dancing around. There’s doubt, there’s hope, there’s happiness, there’s sadness, there’s excitement, there’s guilt and a million other emotions, which my limited vocabulary prevents me from enunciating. Charles Dickens expressed the contradictions of states… Continue reading Befuddled Musings of One Chandni Prasad